e v e n t s :
p r e s e n t | f u t u r e | p r e v i o u s
We, from all creeds, from all nations and all languages,
from all ages and from all walks of Life, are Embracing All Of Life
with Loving Kindness... resonating, 're-minding' and Living the way
as we ascend in ‘re-Cognition’ of our True Being ... Co-Creating
our aspired-for Global Peace and Abundance.
Every moment a New Earth is born from our collective consciousness.
May our every moment be Loving Kindness. ( j. c. r. 11.11.16 )
P r e s e n t ( o n g o i n g ) e v e n t s :
W O R L D K I N D N E S S e v e r y ~ D A Y
We are Co-Creating a most efficient, organic, sustainable and joyful
approach to transcend our global challenges, as we affect the
positive transformation of our Beloved Home/Earth.
It has been scientifically proven that our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions
deeply impact the environment and All of Life. It has also been known, that
the critical mass of one tenth of one percent of a ‘sustained way of being’,
can and will affect a shift of the entire consciousness of Humanity.
Our Global Initiative has integrated both dynamics mentioned above and
made it practical, convenient, and free, as well as flexible to the ‘daily flow’
of most, thus, making it realistic for Co-Creators/Ambassadors to participate.
This is critical to achieve sustainability in the midst of our hectic schedules.
We, as 'Ambassadors of Waves of Kindness', are doing a significant
and important aspect of affecting the 'causal paradigm' – to shift the
'operating system' of the world towards Kindness.... which is the very
core of sustainable peace, abundance and joy for humanity.
We celebrate the profound presence of our collective thoughts and
acts of kindness – which resonates and embraces the world and the
inherent goodness in All of Life.
We invite you to celebrate with us as an Ambassador... and join the
tangible Joy in consciously connecting to the Waves Of Kindness...
the 'Synchronized Earth Changing Energy of Pure Love Expressed' !!!
Please remember to set your reminder for our '8am and 8pm moments
of thoughts or acts of Kindness'... and, if you choose to meditate at
those times... prepare to LOVEtate :)
F e e l the Profound Joy in being consciously connected
to the collective alignment of 'Pure Love expressed'.
WAVES OF KINDNESS worldwide . . .
WE would like to acknowledge Anthony Judge ~ Author of ‘LAETUS IN PRAESENS’ [Joy in the Present], for including “Waves Of Kindness Global Initiative” in his publication titled: “Being a Waveform of Potential as an Experiential Choice” (Metaphorical waves with psychosocial implications) http://www.laetusinpraesens.org/musings/waves.php
The phrase ‘Laetus in Praesens’ was used by the Renaissance figure Marsilio Ficino (1433-99) who headed the Florentine Academy. It derives from an ode by the Roman poet Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Ode II-XVI “Otium”) indicating that Otium/Peace is to be valued above wealth or power.
Anthony Judge ~ is known for his career as Director of Communications and Research, as well as Assistant Secretary-General at the Union of International Associations (UIA). Under Judge's direction the UIA developed the most extensive databases on global civil society and its networks. Judge carried out consulting and related activities with such institutions as the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), UNESCO, UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UN University (Tokyo), and the Commonwealth Science Council.
His publications contain highly cogent observations on the "global problematique", commentaries on the work of numerous great thinkers from a wide variety of fields, and an impressive array of insights about the epistemology, symbolism, metaphysics, metaphors and linguistic representations of the subject.
Fu t u r e ( n o w ) e v e n t s :
P e a c e P r i z e N o m i n a t i o n :
To all our Beloved Ambassadors of Waves Of Kindness ~
Congratulations and Thank YOU for keeping the momentum
going . . . WE are Co-Creating a significant 'Wave' :))
. . . i s o u r c o l l e c t i v e
‘ W a v e E n e r g y ’
" The more WE consciously align with our ‘very being’ –
the very essence and presence of ‘Unconditional Love’ within us…
our Oneness, the Breath Of Life / Light / Love in All –
the more WE experience / realize / express
the Infinite Power of WE." ~ j.c.r.
P e a c e P r i z e N o m i n a t i o n
F o r W a v e s O f K i n d n e s s G l o b a l I n i t i a t i v e
S u b m i t t e d T o W o r l d P e a c e R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t i o n
a n d P u b l i s h e d b y:
Burton Danet, Ph.D.
Founder, ABC4All (A Better Community For All)
The intention of the Peace Prize is, "to applaud the recipients' exceptional and positive contributions to the advancement of greater goodwill, peace, compassion and kindness in the world." ~ World Peace Research Institute
What is it that would represent the epitome of a greater good will, peace, compassion and kindness in the world?
There are endless ways of recognizing the traits of good will, the focus and thrust towards peace and the implementation of the spreading of compassion and kindness. What is not so obvious is when a multitalented humanitarian not only points us in these directions but arranges for a selfless manner in which to do so.
When such a person knows what is so direly needed for humankind, human~kindness, it follows that in his quiet fashion such a pursuit embraces goodwill and engenders the fostering of peace in the world as well. The Waves of Kindness Global Initiative represents such an effort. By creating the focus and allowing Ambassadors to come forth and be recognized, what has been initiated is the equivalent of a perpetual blessing of acts and tangible intentionality of Pure Love and Kindness worldwide -- 24/7.
What is the outcome of this purely altruistic effort? Waves of Kindness Global Initiative becomes the very basis of all positive shifts and overall transformation and truly represents what can be, generically, an effort to create what is For A Better Community For All. There is fostered the very basis of all positive shifts and overall transformation that encourages in every fashion possible the generation of resources and cooperation among those desiring to collaborate rather than outdo one another towards a specific goal. In a word, self-aggrandizement disappears from the collective community and, in its place, is inserted an approach that takes into account the welfare and well-being of each and every person alive.
Thus it can safely be concluded that the humanitarian in question being nominated and who is responsible for the Waves of Kindness Global Initiative, Jaime Corpus Reyes, is a supreme example of "...exceptional and positive contributions to the advancement of greater goodwill, peace, compassion and kindness in the world." Respectfully submitted,
Burton Danet, Ph.D.,
Rejuvenated Facilitator, Clinical Psychologist (retired), Founder, ABC4All Portal4Relief.
Pr e v i o u s e v e n t s :
Waves Of Kindness Global Initiative gratefully celebrates
our 6th year with the United Nations’ International Day Of Peace,
September 21, 2016.
All are invited, you, your Family, Friends and Kindred Hearts worldwide ~ to come together from our Being of Pure Love and embrace All of Life in our Beloved Home/Earth with Kindness and Appreciation on this upcoming significant International event.
Love All with Our All ... as We are All ... ONE ! ! !
We are Celebrating World Kindness Day, November 13, 2015.
World Kindness Day was introduced in 1998 by the “World Kindness Movement”, a coalition of nations and humanitarian NGOs globally.
Waves Of Kindness Global Initiative promotes Kindness by 'Being and Living Loving Kindness Everyday’… but on this special day, may our kind intentions, words and deeds be a ‘conscious’ expression, appreciation and participation, with kindred hearts globally – wherever we may be in the world.
Let us all promote this blessed event and grace it with our thoughts and acts of Loving Kindness.
Our living in accordance to our true being of Pure Love is felt by everyone everywhere ~ consciously or unconsciously ~ thus, every moment of our Loving Presence is invaluable and significant to All of Life.
Expressed . Experienced . Realized . Celebrated
Waves Of Kindness
‘P e a c e O N E a r t h’
Celebrates with ~
The United Nations’
‘International Day Of Peace’ 2015
Waves Of Kindness Global Initiative gratefully celebrates
our 5th year with the United Nations’ International Day Of Peace,
September 21, 2015.
We invite all of you, your Family, Friends and Kindred Hearts worldwide ~
to come together from our Being of Pure Love and embrace All of Life
in our Beloved Home/Earth with Kindness and Appreciation
on this upcoming significant International event.
Our objective is to promote a Conscious Harmonic Convergence, our
‘Chord of Peace’, to re-awaken and to re-align us with our ever present
Breath of Life and Love within… the Oneness of us All.
Alignment with our inherent truth, which is Pure Love, is
' P e a c e L i v e d a n d R e a l i z e d '.
Please share this invitation to everyone ~ and TOGETHER let us Live
and Will ‘ P e a c e O N E a r t h ’ into being !!!
~ Waves Of Kindness Global Initiative
“Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All” is the theme of this year’s UN commemoration which aims to highlight the importance of all segments of society to work together to strive for peace.
“Let us stand with the millions of people across the world who are suffering the devastating impact of violence and conflict. Let us share ideas and plans for helping and supporting them in their time of dire need." UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.
The work of the United Nations would not be possible without the initial partnerships that were active in its creation and the thousands of partnerships each year between governments, civil society, the private sector, faith-based groups and other non-governmental organizations that are needed to support the Organization in achieving its future goals.
The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by resolution 36/67PDF document of the United Nations General Assembly to coincide with its opening session, which was held annually on the third Tuesday of September. The first Peace Day was observed in September 1982.
In 2001, the General Assembly by unanimous vote adopted resolution 55/282PDF document, which established 21 September as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire.
The United Nations invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.
Beloved Ambassadors & Friends ~
We invite you, your family and friends to celebrate
World Kindness Day was introduced in 1998 by
the “World Kindness Movement”, a coalition of nations
and humanitarian NGOs globally.
Waves Of Kindness Global Initiative promotes thoughts and acts
of Kindness ‘everyday’… but on this special day, may our kind intentions,
words and deeds be a ‘conscious’ expression, appreciation and connection,
with kindred hearts globally – wherever we may be in the world.
It is indeed significant and meaningful to be a Co-Creator of the
‘Collective Wave’ that resonates and affects the Causal Paradigm – the
‘operating system’ of all activities of Humanity – to shift towards Kindness.
Human~Kindness to All Life is the very key to an organic, sustainable
and joyful approach to transcend all of our global challenges !!!
We would like to extend our appreciation to all Ambassadors of
Kindness worldwide, for your invaluable presence in co-creating
a more Loving, Kinder, Peaceful and Joyful world.
Let us all promote this blessed event and grace it with our radiant presence
of pure thoughts and deeds of kindness. Kindness to All ~ from All !!!
Waves Of Kindness Global Initiative gratefully celebrates our
fourth year with the United Nations’ International Day Of Peace
this September 21, 2014.
We invite all Ambassadors Of Kindness and Kindred Hearts
worldwide to come together from the very essence of our Being
of Pure Love and, embrace All of Life in our Beloved Home/Earth
with Kindness and Appreciation on this upcoming
' I n t e r n a t i o n a l D a y O f P e a c e ' .
Our thoughts, intentions, actions and emotions, thus our consciousness,
are all 'energies'. The state of our community, country, and world is
established by our ‘collective energy’ or ‘collective consciousness’.
Our inner environment is the cause of our outer environment!
Alignment with our inherent truth, which is Pure Love, is
' P e a c e L i v e d a n d R e a l i z e d '.
Jesus chose to heed the ‘Call of the Divine Will
within the Womb of Light’ . . .
and gave Himself to Be Born unto Himself amongst us in this Blessed Realm,
that exceeding Joy of Pure Love may Be Lived, Experienced and Realized.
Thus, All of Life in this Realm who choose to heed the ‘Call of the Divine Will
within the Womb of Light’…. can All seamlessly share in His Experience and
Realization of exceeding Joy of Pure Love . . .
which Blesses and Graces All Eternally.
L o v e , K i n d n e s s, P e a c e a n d J o y t o A l l
jaime corpus reyes
Ambassador / Founder / and, one among you who joyfully serve
We invite all of you, your Family and Friends to celebrate the
“Waves Of Kindness’ PeaceONEarth” event with the “United Nations’
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE”, on September 21, 2013
Our objective is to promote a Conscious Harmonic Convergence, our
‘Chord of Peace’, to re-awaken and to re-align us with our ever present
Breath of Life and Love within… the Oneness of us All.
May our intentions, words and deeds, be a ‘conscious’ expression
and appreciation of our truth, which is Pure Love and Peace,
throughout this special day – wherever we may be in the world.
We would like to acknowledge our appreciation for all the Ambassadors
of Kindness worldwide, for your Invaluable Presence in Co-Creating
a more Loving, Kinder, Peaceful and Joyful world.
You are more than welcome to share this invitation to your ‘Kindred
Family and Friends’… let us Live Love through Kindness and promote
‘PeaceONEarth’ – We are All in It Together !!! ~ j.c.r.
"If a billion watts can light up a city . . .
‘A Billion Oms’ can Light-Up All of Humanity ."
- j.c.r.
"A global initiative designed to co-create the world’s largest
simultaneous meditation in history ! ! !
What would happen if a Billion people were all unified in meditation,
prayer, and celebration through a single sound vibration at the same time?
Everyone around the world is invited to meditate, pray for peace,
and co-create the sound vibration of OM at the exact same time for three
(3) minutes simultaneously around the world on 12.22.12.
[12.21.12 in some countries]
Participants are invited to contribute to this 3 minute simultaneous global
meditation in many ways including:
Chanting OM; Observing Silence; Praying for personal and planetary peace;
Opening your heart and express your love & compassion for all beings"
– Jonathan Yudis, Founder/Facilitator of 'One Billion Oms'
Our featured Waves Of Kindness ‘Ambassador of the Moment’
Jonathan Yudis, is the Founder of One Billion Oms and the Maui Spiritual
Congress, Sacred Earth Assembly and Temple of Peace ~ which were our
partners in the previous 11.11.11 Waves Of Kindness worldwide celebration.
He presented and read the Waves Of Kindness Declaration of Being during
the global broadcast of the Maui Spiritual Congress celebration on 11.11.11.
He will do the same for this upcoming world broadcast event.
Let us all promote this inspired and profound event and grace it with our conscious and radiant presence.
Please visit these websites to register :
Thank you so much for your 'Invaluable Presence’on our
"Waves Of Kindness' ~ PeaceONEarth" celebration with United Nation's
International Peace Day. Our momentum is growing exponentially.
As Ambassadors of Kindness we are aware that every moment of kindness
is felt by everyone everywhere… and, when we consciously connect on our
Daily 8am and 8pm Moments of Pure Love expressed through our intents
or acts kindness, the synergetic alignment of our ‘Collective’ resonates as
One profound tangible Wave so powerful, that affects and awakens
the inherent Divinity of Humanity.
Our ‘Synchronized Waves’ reconditions the energetic footprint of humanity's
momentary lapse from our truth (Unconditional Love and Kindness) and
accelerates the quantum energetic magnitude into a momentum towards a
broader and deeper realization of our All~ready Perfect Spirit. ~ j.c.r.
M a y P E A C E p r e v a i l o n E a r t h ! ! !
11. 11. 11. G l o b a l E v e n t s & C e l e b r a t i o n s
We invite you to join us on 11.11.11 @ 11:11 PM for 11 Minutes Of
Pure Life/Light/Love Realization
Wherever we are in the world by ourselves, with family or friends, or in a gathering or event...
light a candle (turn off or dim electrical lights if possible), then join all within our respective time zone of 11:11 pm for 11 minutes, for a unified and collective embracing of the world filled with
I n C o l l a b o r a t i o n W i t h :
P e a c e L i n k L i v e
A non-profit organization creating tools and solutions that inspire
individuals and communities to shift to a culture of peace. On 11.11.11
at the Agape Center in Culver City, Peacelink Live will host an all-day live
concert event featuring socially conscious international recording artists,
visionaries, political and spiritual leaders. Founder: Jay Ponti ~
M a u i S p i r i t u a l C o n g r e s s
On 11.11.11, circles of open-hearted light beings who love our Mother Earth,
will gather on the north shore of Maui to affirm our common humanity and to
plant the seeds of inner and outer peace. Our intention is to unify the global
community by inviting people from all faiths to co-create a portal of Universal
Love by meditations and harmonic toning. Founder: Jonathan Yudis ~
A B C 4 A l l (A Better Community For All)
The 11-11-11 ABC4All Countdown Progect is working to promote world peace
through music. We believe that music provides a common language to bring
people together. Our goal is to make music available for people to enjoy
and use as means to achieve worldwide harmony and peace.
Founder: Burt Danet ~
We invite you to join us at this auspicious time
to align with those throughout the world who are celebrating.
Please review the list of global events provided below ~
for events and gatherings on this significant day for a unified collective
celebrating, imaging, praying, meditating, willing for a kinder, more loving,
peaceful and joyful world.
Please share this joyous and purposeful event
with your family, friends and networks. The Key is in the WE !!!
[ email ][ twitter ][ facebook ]
11. 11. 11. G l o b a l E v e n t s & C e l e b r a t i o n :
I m p o r t a n t :
For more information or for current status on all events listed -
please confirm with the respective contacts. Other events may still be added.
BOLIVIA: Lake Titicaca, Sacred Journey with Solra An Waqui. Contact:
BOLIVIA: La Paz (Puerto Perez / Lake Titicaca). Contact, Jose:
BRAZIL: Contact, Jordi:
CANADA: Alberta (Red Deer). Contact, Lorraine:
CANADA: BC Okanagan Valley. 11.11.11, Gathering. Contact, Patricia Zierler at:
CANADA: British Colombia (White Rock). Contact, Mark:
CANADA: Kootenay Lake. Contact: Joseph: :
CANADA: Ontario. Contact, Ila:
CANADA: Toronto. Contact, Kevin:
EGYPT: Jacquie Nellie & Tribe sacred journey.
We will be in the Kings Chamber on 11.11.11, visiting Saqqara Temple. Contact:
EGYPT: Giza. We of Goddessremembered.com will be in the Great Pyramid on 11.11.11, at 4pm Egypt time. Contact, Dr. Carole Thomassy at:
ENGLAND: Avebury. Contact:
ENGLAND: Avebury. Contact, Peter Knight at:
ENGLAND: Bristol, Stanton Drew Stone Circle. (Donation), Wedding of Diamond Light Mandala Map with108 ‘human anchors’ (seeking participants), performing a sacred connection dance in the three stone circles. Contact, Laura Pocket:
ENGLAND: Brixham, Devon, Contact, Amuna Ra at:
ENGLAND: Dingwall. Contact:
ENGLAND: Gaia- Rden, Streatham. Contact, Pascale:
ENGLAND: Glastonbury. Contact, Urtema Dolphin at:
ENGLAND: London. Contact, Kathryn Reynolds:
ENGLAND: London, Contact, Essence:
ENGLAND: St. Davies, Wales. Contact, Eloise Bennett:
ENGLAND: Western Super Mar, Bristol. Contact:
GERMANY: Berlin. Contact:
GERMANY: Rheinland-Pfalz, 76863 Hayna. 11.11.11, Cellebration. Contact:
GUATEMALA/MEXICO: “Activating the Mayan Stargate” – Full Moon in the Land of the Maya. Walk through the 11:11:11: Stargate during our 11-night spiritual tour to the Mayan Temples of Mexico and Guatamala. Join famed radio personality Sean David Morton and best selling author and spiritual teacher Dr. Susan Shumsky, whose vision made this once-in-a-lifetime experience possible. Join us as we experience the Full Moon in Tikal. We will tour the sacred Mayan sites of Ek Balam, Chiken Itza, Uxmal, Labna, Palenque, Tonina< Yaxchilan, Tikal, and spiritual vortexes, with Mayan Elders. Contact:
INDIA: Goa, Patnem Beach.
MEXICO: Teotihuacan, Mexico City: Ceremony on 11.11.11,
with Armukara Angel & Tribe. Contact:
NAMIBIA: Farm Rodenhof, Otjiwarongo. 11.11.11, Gathering at the ‘Open Heart Medicine Wheel’! We will work with the energies, do some meditation and drumming & also walk the Labyrinth. Contact, Aletitia Todtenhofer at:
NETHERLANDS: Amsterdam. Contact, Joan Muller:
NETHERLANDS: Sparrenlaan, Soet. Contact, Loes:
PERU: Cusco adventure – Explore ancient ruins with Shaman Isabella Stoloff. Expand your consciousness and ‘Open Up to Your Authentic Self’.
POLAND: Wesiori. Contact, Natalia:
SCOTLAND: Collumcile Hall, Edinburgh. Contact:
SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Town, Ou Kaapse Weg. 11.11.11, 9:am – 1:30 pm, gathering at the Great Burial Cave and Crystal Tunnel / Ascension Cave. Please bring sacred items that you feel will have some value to the ceremony, listen to your heart and trust your mind in this regard. Bring sun, wind, rain protection, water and light snack to share. Donations suggestion for support of the Sacred Site Foundation of SA. Contact, Dean Liprini at:
SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Town. Contact, Munay (Carol):
SOUTH AFRICA: Durban. Contact, Keith:
SPAIN: Partida Benimarraig, Benisa. Contact:
SWEDEN: Smala (Ericsmala). Contact, Birgitta Lindstrand:
SWEDEN: Stockholm Judarskogen Bromma. Contact:
USA: Arizona, Tempe (Tempe Center for The Arts). Contact, Tabitha:
USA: Arizona, Tempe. Contact Lynne:
USA: Arizona, Tempe. Contact, Tabitha:
USA: Atlanta, GA. 11.11.11, Ceremony at Horizon Center for Intuitive Development and REHO (Rainbow Earth Humanitarian Org.). Contact, Glenda Gable at:
USA: California, Los Angeles/Culver City (Agape Center), PeaceLink ~ On 11.11.11 (Veterans Day), Los Angeles, Ca will host Peacelink Live!, an all-day live concert event featuring socially conscious international recording artists, visionaries, political and spiritual leaders. Contact, Jay Ponti:
USA: California. Contact, Isabella Stoloff:
USA: California, Shadow Hills. Contact, Lanaiya:
USA: Colorado, Boulder. Contact, Cynthia:
USA: Florida, Sarasota: ‘The Tree’ Siesta Key Beach. 11.11.11, gathering at 5pm for ‘Sounding of the Bowls Ceremony. Those who have crystal or Tibetan bowls, please bring to anchor (with the sound) the intentions and prayers for the upliftment of human consciousness. Contact, Jo Mooy at:
USA: Florida, Bradenton (Center for Spiritual Living). Contact:
USA: Hawaii, Maui. Maui Spiritual Congress ~ On 11.11.11, circles of open-hearted light beings who love our Mother Earth, will gather on the north shore of Maui to affirm our common humanity and to plant the seeds of inner and outer peace. The collective ceremony will be a part of a full day of peace programming, including medicine wheel prayers, kirtan, group meditation and yoga, chanting for peace, sacred dance, individual dharma talks, and panel discussions with teachers from many different spiritual perspectives.
After the Universal Peace Prayer, we will celebrate the gift of Life in deep gratitude with music and dance. A live webcast from the Sacred Earth on Maui, will unify participants around the world in simultaneous prayers for peace. Contact, Jonathan Yudis:
USA: Missouri, St. Louis. Contact, John:
USA: Missouri, St. Louis. Contact, Chris & Cindy Rouse:
USA: Mt. Shasta. 11.11.11, Activation Event – will mostly be done inside the powerful Mt. Shasta Pyramid – to tune our energy Field and activate our DNA with the newest patterns of the Earth and cosmos. We will be building on the 6 Atlantean Crystals that we’ve been working on since 10.10.10, which have undergone upgrades to realign with them & introduce the new one being activated this year. Contact, Antera or Omaran at:
USA: New York, Pine Island. Contact: Christina:
USA: New York, Queens. Shekinah Temple – Contact:
USA: North Carolina, Asheville. Info:
USA: Sedona. 11.11.11, Journey Through Your Stargate gathering at Jordan Road in Uptown Sedona at 6:30pm – 9pm. Contact:
USA: Washington, Spokane. Contact, Debra Peterson:
USA: West Virginia, Bruceton Mills. Contact, Elsa Tiernan:
USA: West Virginia, Bruceton Mills. Contact, Amy:
USA: Whitehall, Michigan. Contact, Joseph:
"It is 11-11-11, the date of the promised covenant to shift the consciousness of mankind back into his original divine blueprint, an all encompassing state of oneness that gives rise to his natural compassion, empathy, kindness, and unconditional love that are meant to flow through him and as him as the God within expresses.
It is this state of consciousness that aligns us with the reality of our greater beingness. We, as part of entrained mass consciousness, are creating everything that’s taking place on the planet by lending mind energy to it to either create it, or maintain in perpetuity what is already manifest.
Being out of alignment with this source self, most of us are creating world conditions unconsciously instead of intentionally out of the negative, resistant, fearful, angry self serving default settings in our subconscious minds which share the commonality of the collective unconscious.
Until we recognize the truth that we are each personally responsible for our beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions, the world cannot not complete its shift.
When we return to the love that is our divine essence, healing and transformation begins to take place throughout created reality. It is Love Himself, and we outpicturing that love through our heart centers, that contains vibratory rates fast enough to transmute any existing energy creation. In this energy universe you are a field in the Field. 1
Your Authentic Self that knows, and knows it knows it is Love, is infinitely wise, unlimited creative intelligence, and unspeakably worthy. Anything unlike this self can be erased and replaced in moments. Anything unlike love must be released if we are to exude love’s ecstatic state of being. As we breathe ourselves into that source state, we know we are one with everything and are creating it at the same time.
We feel the authenticity that indeed there is only one of us here manifesting in a myriad of aspects. What I do to you, I do to me for there is no other. “Thy Art That.”
Mankind’s shift in consciousness is facilitating our ability to live gently, peacefully, lovingly, and cooperatively in full Unity Consciousness.
As energy fields, the collective and individual mind of man is inexorably aligned with the energy of the aware Universe. When we heal ourselves, we heal mass consciousness and the planet.
It’s all about love, everything else is Maya. We were created frequency specific as joyful loving multi-dimensional compassionate source beings and the time has come to return our primordial nature.
Life’s mission is to live more from our intentional soul self, in the peace that surpasses understanding, as it enlightens the fearful human self in a synchronistic dance of divine alignment with All That Is."
Interfaith Minister; Ambassador, Waves Of Kindness Global Initiative
WE invite you to visit ' w a v e s ' and other pages on the side bar.