d e c l a r a t i o n   o f   b e i n g :


U N I T E D   S T A T E   O F   K I N D N E S S  


We, Who Have Chosen to Be and Live ‘Unconditional Kindness’,
from all creeds, from all nations, from all languages,
from all ages, from all walks of life ~ whomever we may be,
wherever we may be ~ do hereby declare,
establish and constitute our Unified State of Being,
as Citizens and Ambassadors of the United State of Kindness.

We Declare and Recognize that the Principal Foundation
upon which our body shall be constituted is that of Kindness,
herein defined as ‘Pure Love Expressed’.

It is the Intention of this Body to be Constituted,
and to be dedicated to being and living in Kindness
to all of Life. Said covenant is founded upon
the primary recognition that the sacredness of Life
is inherent in All, and shall therefore be honored
in all thoughts, intentions and acts.

We Hereby Declare that a New Earth based on Kindness
and reverence for the sacredness of all Life
shall emerge forthwith by our efforts and our intentions.  
We place at the highest level
our reverence for the sanctity of all beings,
the integrity, sovereignty and indivisible wholeness
of the indwelling Life
through which we honor ourselves, each other,
and all other life forms.

We Come Forward in Peace,
with no other agenda except for those herein declared,
thereby maintaining the respect and honor of all races,
religions, and any other human aggregations.
In this regard, we declare our intention to honor
all sentient beings, and to hold their free moral
agency with the highest level of respect.

We Hereby Invite All
to undertake such a pledge
in accord with their own conscience and personal commitment
to this ‘Declaration of Being’ and,
from the most sacred breath of Life within our hearts,
we pledge to uphold and fulfill this solemn covenant
to the best of our capabilities, and to celebrate together
in this joyful state of being ~
The United State of Kindness.

In witness whereof,
inspired by our ‘Conscious Unified Intent’
and Collective Presence,

This Declaration is hereby ensealed by the Covenant of our Being,
our Living and our Loving.

j a i m e   c o r p u s   r e y e s ,
f o u n d e r  /  o v e r s e e r
U n i t e d   S t a t e   o f    K i n d n e s s, 
W a v e s   o f   K i n d n e s s   G l o b a l   I n i t i a t i v e  

To endorse this initiative and to be an Ambassador Of Kindness,
Please click  'e n d o r s e'  on the left side bar.


The Original USK Declaration of Being, and the ‘Waves of Kindness’ initiative was written, signed and ensealed on the First Day of January, Two-Thousand and Ten by Founder / Overseer, Jaime Corpus Reyes.